Monday, February 9, 2015

Beyonce, Kanye, and Prince...Oh MY: 2015 Grammy Awards

I took a year off from blogging to tend to my personal life and focus on my future. Now that I've handled those things, it's time to get back to blogging. And what better event to blog about (as a music lover) than the 2015 Grammy Awards? Here's the three things that earned a classic side eye from me.

Beyonce TRIED It!
  • Let me just start by saying I am a Beyonce Knowles-Carter fan. I clearly stan for her husband more, but I love Bey nonetheless. HOWEVER, her version of the Mahalia Jackson classic "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" was mediocre at best. When I watch with my mother (CLEARLY the nicest woman in the world and a Mahalia Jackson connoisseur ) and have her giving major side eye with me, that's when I know it's a problem. Sure, I went into the performance already upset that Beyonce was performing in the 1st place, but I was willing to give her a chance. "Nope, nada, never, nah" pretty much sums up how I felt from the first note until the last. Normally when I hear some good gospel SANGING, I'm ready to throw a shoe, phone, or a small baby (I KID, I KID!). However, I sat there with a confused look on my face. Sorry, folks, but Beyonce is R&Bey all day, everyday. I don't get "gospel" from Beyonce's voice, but maybe that's just me. Beyonce's version of "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" left me feeling just like this:


Sorry, girl, but I just wasn't moved nor impressed. And I won't even get into the shady move that she pulled by calling up John Legend and asking to open up for him and my boo Common. But WHY?? Actually, let me stop asking questions and seeking answers before I'm really throwing the fiercest of side eyes at Mrs. Knowles-Carter. I want to still remain a fan...I guess.

Kanye, PLEASE Sit Down and Shut Up!
  • Sooooo, when will the madness end with 'Ye? WHY can't I have back my "Late Registration" Kanye? I am not into the sometimes "Valley Girl" and all the time "Angry Black Man" Kanye. Who hurt you, boo? Just when I thought we were past the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards and the famous "I'mma let you finish but...." rant, Mr. West did it again last night. Well, not completely, but he did enough. After Beck beat Beyonce for Album of the Year, here come this thief in the night making his way onto the stage. Thankfully, we all assumed it was just a joke as he quickly left the stage. Oh but however, we quickly found out he wanted to do damage on the mic once again but saved it for a post-Grammy interview on E! In a nutshell, this dude said that Beck should give his Grammy to Beyonce. Girl, WHAT?!? A few quick questions, and I'll leave this alone. On which day of the week would Kanye do the same? Has he ever heard Beck's album to judge it? WHY is he such a fan girl for Beyonce? If she's not rushing the stage, then sir, I need you to find your way to the nearest bench and have several seats. Enough is enough at this point! Give me the old Kanye back, PLEASE! Just when I start rooting for him again....smh.
photo: I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you! How dare you?!

Prince was Prince
  • Speaking of Beck winning Album of the Year, let's talk about the Purple One himself...Prince! That man gives me life and great laughter every. single. time he steps on a stage. Last night's outfit surely did not disappoint. He stepped on that stage and SERVED in all of his orange glory and slightly blown out 'fro. Werk, honey! Never mind that he looked like a WHOLE mess. He gave us what we needed last night and that was classic Prince.
 View image on Twitter 

All in all, I was underwhelmed with the Grammy's. Then again, that's nothing new. One day, I'd like to see more hip-hop, R&B and gospel on the televised portion of the show. But I guess that would be too much like right, huh? Whatever! But on a happier note, I'm happy for Sam Smith, and Common was fine and did a great usual.



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