Friday, November 8, 2013

So About Dark Man X...

Yes, you guessed it. DMX was arrested again this week. At this point, it’s like the movie Groundhog Day. Another day, another DMX arrest. His rap sheet reads like a Jerry Bruckheimer flick mixed with a tad bit of Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married, which is a question I’m sure his estranged wife Tashera has asked herself for years. At one point, I thought he was just doing what most rap artists do – drinking, cheating, doing drugs, and just living reckless. However, I now believe this man is mentally unstable, and he seriously needs to be treated.
Just last year, DMX and Tashera appeared on VH1’s Couples Therapy. I have so much to say about that show, but I digress. Then, earlier this year, he and his oldest son Xavier appeared on the season two premiere of OWN’s Iyanla: Fix My Life. He was as high as a cumulus cloud on that show. It was hard to watch. He told Iyanla to “Shut the f*** up.” At that point, I just knew the Brooklyn was on its way out of Iyanla. However, she kept her cool because I think she knew it was much deeper than anyone could understand. During that episode, I realized that it was more than just drugs and alcohol. It’s so much deeper than that. Iyanla CANNOT fix what is wrong with DMX – only Jesus and a psychiatric hospital can truly help this man.
I would love to go back to my grammar school and high school days when I was rapping DMX lyrics and wishing that he had mentioned my name in “What These B****es Want” (PLEASE do not judge my former ratchet ways). I miss the DMX that rapped alongside baby girl Aaliyah on “Back in One Piece” and starred in several movies. I miss the DMX that would break out into an abrasive prayer in the midst of his concerts. Now more than ever, he needs someone to pray for him, and I am definitely doing just that. Iyanla can help “fix” many situations and people, but DMX is certainly not one of those people. I sincerely hope he gets the help that is long overdue in his life.


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